
Foreign Tourist praised efficiency of Taiwanese Police for retrieving lost mobile phone

Foreign Tourist praised efficiency of Taiwanese Police for retrieving lost mobile phone. Photo reproduced from Aviation Police Station
Foreign Tourist praised efficiency of Taiwanese Police for retrieving lost mobile phone. Photo reproduced from Aviation Police Station
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

A Canadian tourist who traveled to Taiwan found her mobile phone was lost in the taxi when she was about to leave by plane. After receiving the report, the Aviation Police Station contacted the taxi driver and retrieved the tourist's mobile phone so that the passenger could catch up with the plane smoothly. She was also impressed by the efficiency of the Taiwan police in handling cases.

The Canadian passengers appear to be highly nervous in the video from the Aviation Police Station. The passengers claim that their mobile phone, which included several important photographs shot while traveling in Taiwan, was dropped on the cab. The policemen kindly consoled the passengers and gave them some food as they awaited the search.

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Foreign Tourist praised efficiency of Taiwanese Police for retrieving lost mobile phone.Photo reproduced from Aviation Police Station

Through the video cameras and more than one hundred phone calls, the polices looked for the cab. On the night of the day, they eventually located the passenger's cellphone. The Canadian tourist in Taiwan were allowed to board the plane and appreciated the friendliness of Taiwanese police officers.

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