
Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition, features are works of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu and her daughter

Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition, features are works of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu and her daughter. Photo provided by NIA
Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition, features are works of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu and her daughter. Photo provided by NIA
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The "Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition" (蘭陽新住民畫作聯展) was hosted by the Yilan County Service Center. On May 18, the opening ceremony started at 10 a.m. The artwork of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu (葉明珠), a new immigrant from the China mainland, Ms. Chen Xin-yi (陳欣怡), a new immigrant from Vietnam, and Ms. Chen Fu-xing (陳富幸), a volunteer at the station, are on display.

Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition, features are works of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu and her daughter.Photo provided by NIA

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Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu (葉明珠) is a native of Fujian Province's Fuqing City in Mainland China. She operates a beauty studio (葉子美容坊) in Luodong City and moved to Taiwan for love. She began her creative career after meeting Mr. Liu Bo-yi (劉博儀), a sculptor, by accident. In 2017, Yeh committed herself to the study of precise painting and ink painting, and she frequently goes to and from Taipei to do so. Zhi-wei, (芷葦) Ms. Yeh's daughter, was motivated by her mother and started learning how to create art. Ms. Yeh was proud that Zhi-wei joined the contest (2023文創手作營) organized by the school in February of this year to win the finest works.

Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition, features are works of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu and her daughter.Photo provided by NIA

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Lanyang New Immigrant Painting Exhibition, features are works of Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu and her daughter.Photo provided by NIA

Ms. Yeh Ming-zhu (葉明珠) has a serious and tenacious attitude in several sectors, such as beauty work and artistic production, according to director (簡玉屏) of NIA Yilan County Service Center. She also appreciates Ms. Yeh’s sharing so that the families of the new immigrants can enjoy a wonderful art experience.

Additionally, NIA's "112 Years New Resident Children's Multicultural Local Creation Training Camp" has been extended through Friday, May 19, 2023, and it encourages the kids of new immigrants to join up. Please visit NIA for further information.

For further information, please visit the "IFI Network," or contact the Yilan County Service Center at 03-9575448.

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