
Beware of Fines! Cities and Counties Intensify Enforcement at "Flashing Red Light" Intersections

According to annual traffic accident statistics, intersection accidents account for 60% of all traffic accidents, resulting in approximately 200 deaths and over 20,000 injuries each year. Police departments in various cities and counties are strengthening their enforcement of traffic violations at intersections to prevent accidents. (Image sourced from the internet)
According to annual traffic accident statistics, intersection accidents account for 60% of all traffic accidents, resulting in approximately 200 deaths and over 20,000 injuries each year. Police departments in various cities and counties are strengthening their enforcement of traffic violations at intersections to prevent accidents. (Image sourced from the internet)

According to a 2022 survey by the Ministry of Transportation, over 97% of drivers in Taiwan do not come to a complete stop at intersections with flashing red lights. An analysis of 2023 traffic accident statistics shows that intersection accidents account for 60% of all traffic accidents, causing approximately 200 deaths and over 20,000 injuries annually. As a result, police departments in various cities and counties have been instructed to intensify their enforcement of traffic violations at intersections.

The police emphasize that both cars and motorcycles must come to a complete stop when encountering a flashing red light at intersections before proceeding. This is different from the requirement for flashing yellow lights, which only require vehicles to slow down. (Image provided by the Ministry of Transportation)

Traffic units in various cities and counties will step up enforcement against vehicles that do not stop and go at flashing red light intersections. Recently, police officers who have started enforcing these rules found that most cars and motorcycles turn away upon seeing police officers at intersections. Many riders only slow down instead of stopping completely at flashing red light intersections, leading to traffic police stopping and issuing tickets. Riders who were stopped admitted that they were unaware of the stop-and-go requirement for flashing red lights. Therefore, traffic police across cities and counties are intensifying their efforts to educate the public and enforce the regulations.

Vehicles encountering a "flashing red light" in alleys must also adhere to the same rules. (Image sourced from the internet)

The police stress that both cars and motorcycles must come to a complete stop at flashing red light intersections before proceeding. This is different from the requirement for flashing yellow lights, which only require vehicles to slow down. Enforcement at flashing red light intersections specifies that "vehicles must come to a complete stop before the stop line before proceeding." Motorcyclists must also place both feet on the ground. Failure to comply with the stop-and-go requirement at flashing red light intersections will result in fines according to the Road Traffic Management and Penalty Act: NT$1,800 for large vehicles, NT$1,500 for small vehicles, and NT$1,200 for motorcycles. The public is urged to pay attention to this traffic regulation to avoid fines.

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