
Covid-19 Delta Variant Invades Taiwan: Young people beware of symptoms

Covid19 Delta variant symptoms are headache, sore throat and runny nose. Photo/Provided by Unsplash photo gallery
Covid19 Delta variant symptoms are headache, sore throat and runny nose. Photo/Provided by Unsplash photo gallery
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

The Covid-19 Delta variant invades Taiwan! Symptoms include headache, sore throat and runny nose. According to a British study : Young people should be extra careful.

The Covid19 Delta variant has invaded southern Taiwan, and the symptoms are different from the earlier Covid19 variants. A study from the United Kingdom discovered that people infected with this Indian variant will show symptoms of headaches and runny nose. These are not like the symptoms of the other variants like loss of the sense of smell and taste.  And since this variant is not easily detected, people may not know that they are infected and therefore miss the chance to seek medical treatment.   

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Headache is the common symptom of the new Delta variant on younger people. Photo/Reproduced from the Liberty TimesHeadache is the common symptom of the new Delta variant on younger people. Photo/Reproduced from the Liberty Times 

English doctor Tim Spector said that younger people may mistake the symptoms of the new Covid19 Delta variant as that of the common cold. The initial symptom of this variant is a headache, then followed by sore throat, runny nose and a fever. Studies pointed out that the symptoms of this wave of the new variant is different from previous ones. The common symptoms in patients under 40 years old are headaches, then sore throat and runny nose. For patients over 40 years old, the more common symptom is fever, aside from the headache and runny nose. However, the younger the patient, the headache is reported to be more severe.  

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For those who had contact with positive Covid19 Delta variant patients, they must immediately go to a screening station to get a rapid test. Photo/provided by National Taiwan University Hospital 

For those who had contact with positive Covid19 Delta variant patients, they must immediately go to a screening station to get a rapid test. Photo/provided by National Taiwan University Hospital

According to Chen Hsiu Hsi (陳秀熙), a professor at the National Taiwan University College of Public Health (國立台灣大學公共衛生學院), common symptoms of Covid19 like the loss of sense of smell and taste is not on Delta variant’s list of symptoms. Although the symptoms are not obvious, one should be careful so as not to miss medical treatment. The Delta variant symptoms of “2 pain 1 water” are headaches, sore throat and runny nose. The proportion of headaches in people under the age of 40 is high, accounting for 2/3 of cases. Therefore, people who had contact with Delta variant infected patients are advised to go to a screening station for a rapid test.

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