
Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center to organize economic assistance program for new immigrants

Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center to organize economic assistance program for new immigrants.   Photo provided by Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center
Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center to organize economic assistance program for new immigrants. Photo provided by Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center will organize a four-day economic assistance program (新住民E起創造經濟「新」奇蹟) at the end of May to improve new immigrants’ ability to compete for jobs and help them with their work skills. They will tour chain fresh food stores, primary schools, long-term care facilities, etc. to learn about various sectors, in addition to taking computer courses to improve their employability and competitiveness. New immigrants are encouraged to enroll in the classes, which are totally free.

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Writing in Chinese is the most frequent issue that many new immigrants run into when they start a job. To help new immigrants fill out Chinese resumes and communicate with employers, expert computer trainers will teach them how to use email and the cloud system in the course.

Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center to organize economic assistance program for new immigrants.Photo provided by Department of Education, Taoyuan

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In order for the new immigrants to explore a variety of options and determine their future route, the course will also introduce them to a variety of industries with a variety of characteristics. More information on Taoyuan City New Immigrant Family Service Center.

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