
Tainan’s Delicacies Impress the Hungarians: Tainan Street Food Culture Photography Exhibition

Tainan’s Delicacies Impress the Hungarians: Tainan Street Food Culture Photography Exhibition

According to the Tainan City Government, Tainan City Government, Taipei Representative Office in Budapest, and the Damjanich Janos Museum in Szolnok, Hungary, joined hands to launch the “An Encounter with The Delicious Far East: Taiwan Cuisine Capital - Tainan City’s Street Food Culture Photography Exhibition”. The exhibition opened on Oct. 12 and will tour through Hungary till the end of January 2022.

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Tainan Street Food Culture promoted in Hungary. (Photo / Provided by the Taipei Representative Office in Budapest)

Tainan Street Food Culture promoted in Hungary. (Photo / Provided by the Taipei Representative Office in Budapest)

Tainan City Mayor Huang Wei-che explained that Tainan is sandwiched between the mountains and the sea and thus has abundant resources from both sides. The copious ingredients combined with ancient cooking methods and professional skills passed down from generation to generation created Tainan’s unique taste and flavor. The Mayor said that due to the recent pandemic situation, Tainan can only offer photos and descriptions of our wonderful food to the Hungarian public as a “preview”. He sincerely welcomes all international foodies to visit Tainan after the pandemic and experience the city’s unique street snacks in person.

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Tainan Street Food event attracted hundreds of Hungarians. (Photo / Provided by the Taipei Representative Office in Budapest)

Tainan Street Food event attracted hundreds of Hungarians. (Photo / Provided by the Taipei Representative Office in Budapest)

Travel Bureau Director-General Kuo Chen-hui remarked that for this exhibition, the city government collected hundreds of photos and text descriptions to showcase Tainan’s dishes and cooking methods. She especially thanked the Taipei Representative Office in Budapest for putting together the very first pamphlet introducing Taiwan’s cities and local snacks in Hungarian so that our Hungarian friends on the other side of the globe can learn more about Tainan through the local food culture presented in the photos.

During the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Taiwan representative to Hungary Liu Shih-chung spoke in Hungarian and introduced Tainan as Taiwan’s Cultural Capital and a foodie's paradise. He also demonstrated how to make Tainan’s famous beef soup and Taiwan Gua bao (pork belly bun), attracting additional media coverage on Tainan’s delicacies and the photo exhibition.

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