
NIA Global News】/translated by Amy Hsieh

New Taipei City Service Center conducted a parent-child course for new immigrants on May 8 called “Love is always there” (愛一直都在).   

Many new immigrants from different countries participated in the course with their family members. The new immigrants are from Mainland China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Laos, and the Philippines. 

The course aims to deepen the relationship and intimacy between new immigrants and their children.    

Zhang Cui Fen, a staff in the New Taipei City Family Education Center, was invited as a speaker to the course. 

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In the course, Zhang discussed a child’s attachment struggle and how do parents manage this power struggle. Zhang explained, when a child becomes a teenager, they often hope to be independent of their parents. However, they still need protection and guidance from their parents. Through a picture book The Runaway Bunny, Zhang explained how can parents manage conflicts as a child gains independence.        

Mother’s Day is an event celebrated around the globe. Thailand celebrates Mother’s Day on August 12th. Indonesia celebrates Mother’s Day on December 22nd. In Vietnam, people celebrate Mother’s Day on their seventh full moon of the lunar calendar (Mua Vu Lan). And Taiwan and the Philippines celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday in May. Although people from different countries don’t celebrate Mother’s Day on the same day, they all show the same appreciation to hardworking mothers.    

NIA will also keep conducting different activities to assist new immigrants to assimilate into the Taiwanese culture. There will continue launching different courses on family education and laws. New immigrants are welcome to join the activities.   

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Image courtesy of New Taipei City Service Center.

Image courtesy of New Taipei City Service Center.

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