
The Holy See embassy hopes and prays for Taiwan that the epidemic will end soon

The Embassy in the Holy See prays for Taiwan and hopes that it will be free from the epidemic as soon as possible (Photo/ Courtesy of the Embassy in the Holy See)
The Embassy in the Holy See prays for Taiwan and hopes that it will be free from the epidemic as soon as possible (Photo/ Courtesy of the Embassy in the Holy See)

During the closing ceremony of the month-long Rosary prayer held by Pope Francis (教宗方濟各) in the Vatican Gardens (梵蒂岡花園), the Embassy of the Holy See (駐教廷大使館) hoped and prayed that the epidemic situation in Taiwan will end and everything will return to normal soon.

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According to the "Central News Agency" (中央通訊社) report, the Pope has designated the month of May as the "Month of Prayer for the Epidemic". The Pope is inviting all Catholics to pray the Rosary throughout the month of May, and to pray for the global epidemic to end as soon as possible, so that the people can return to their normal lives and no longer suffer from the Covid-19 virus.

The embassy in the Holy See specially invited Father Chiu Tsung-Chieh (邱琮傑神父) who works in the Vatican City (梵蒂岡城) to lead the Rosary prayer. The group including Sister Li Pi-yuan (李碧圓修女), Sister Li Jou-Ching (李柔靜修女), Sir Chiang Kuo-Hsiung (江國雄爵士), fellow Catholic Hsu Ming-hui (徐明慧) and all colleagues participated in praying the Holy Rosary together with the Pope before the unveiling of the portrait of the Blessed Virgin Mary (聖母瑪利亞).


Led by Father Chiu Tsung-chieh, he recites the Rosary simultaneously with the Pope before unraveling the portrait of the Virgin. (Photo/Provided by the Embassy in the Holy See)

They prayed the Rosary and recited the prayer "to be free from the Covid-19 virus" which was provided by the Bishops Conference of Taiwan (台灣主教團) for Taiwan to be free from the Covid-19 virus as soon as possible.

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The portrait of the Mary, Untier of Knots, in the Embassy of the Holy See came from the Buenos Aires Cathedral where the Pope once served, as a gift from head of that church, Father Russo.  

The oil painting was drawn by the German artist Johann Georg Melchior Schmidtner (施米特納) in 1700, showing two angels untying a white cord held by the Blessed Virgin Mary, and surrounded with the Bible, which symbolizes hope, showing scenes of mercy and victory over demons.

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