
The free flu vaccine program's first phase is now available, with priority registration for the elderly and caregivers

The free flu vaccine program's first phase is now available, with priority registration for the elderly and caregivers.  Photo reproduced from freepik
The free flu vaccine program's first phase is now available, with priority registration for the elderly and caregivers. Photo reproduced from freepik
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Since October 2, the first part of the free influenza vaccine program has been available. The four immunizations given this time around had the same level of protection and side effects, according to the Taiwan Centers of Disease Control (CDC) As a result, the free vaccination brands are placed at random.

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The free flu vaccine program's first phase is now available, with priority registration for the elderly and caregivers.Photo reproduced from NHRI Forum Security and Privacy Policy | National Health Research Institutes Forum official website

The Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has thoroughly examined the four influenza vaccines that were purchased this year for process control, testing, and clinical trial results, according to the CDC. The vaccines have also successfully completed the third phase of clinical trials, which confirms their efficacy, safety, and quality. The drug license won't be issued and released onto the market until after that. Taiwan Food and Drug Administration has examined and approved pertinent test reports. The effectiveness of influenza vaccinations and the frequency of side effects are the same regardless of brand.

The influenza vaccine schedule for 2023 will be carried out in two stages, according to the CDC. On October 2, the first phase will be available for vaccination. Seniors over 65, healthcare professionals, epidemiology specialists, long-term care facilities, and nursing homes are among the targets. The following groups of people may require care: care recipients and staff of such institutions; children older than six months but before starting elementary school; pregnant women; high-risk chronic patients with underlying diseases; individuals with a BMI of thirty or less; patients with rare diseases and major injuries; students in grades one through three of elementary school to high school (vocational); parents of infants younger than six months; individuals working in kindergarten childcare facilities; personnel in the poultry industry; and personnel involved in the prevention of animal epidemics.

Starting on November 1, persons between the ages of 50 and 64 who do not have high-risk chronic illnesses can receive vaccines as part of the second phase.

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