
Start Beautifying with Tea! Recommended 6 Exclusive Herbal Teas for Women: The Secret Weapon for Health and Beauty

Drinking lavender tea before bed can increase melatonin and improve sleep quality. Image/Canva
Drinking lavender tea before bed can increase melatonin and improve sleep quality. Image/Canva

As modern people pay more and more attention to health and beauty, drinking herbal tea has become the first choice for many women. Not only can it relax the body and mind, but it also has various beauty benefits. Here are six recommended herbal teas exclusively for women, each bringing different health and beauty benefits.Read more: https://news.immigration.gov.tw/NewsSection/Detail/E40E59F5-42E7-4D41-A753-AEE6748399C2?lang=TW 

  1. **Lavender Tea for Better Sleep**: Lavender is known for its high adaptability and is often used in aroma therapy products. Lavender tea has also become a top choice due to its calming effects. With a fresh and elegant aroma and mild properties, it is suitable for all groups. Lavender tea can relax the body and mind, reduce fatigue, and increase melatonin when consumed before bed, improving sleep quality.


  1. **Romantic Rose Tea**: Roses are one of women's favorite flowers, not only for their enchanting fragrance but also because they are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, which help moisturize the skin and fight aging. Alkaloids in roses help reduce fat and slim the body. Drinking a cup of rose tea after a meal can reduce feelings of greasiness, making you feel both happy and healthy.


  1. **Chamomile Tea to Relieve Anxiety**: Chamomile is widely known for its antioxidant and calming effects. Its main component, apigenin, helps you feel relaxed. People who frequently drink chamomile tea experience reduced anxiety symptoms and more stable moods. Chamomile tea shows strength in adversity, making it the best choice for recharging energy during rest. 

Chamomile is widely known for its antioxidant and calming effects. Image/Canva

  1. **Amazing Butterfly Pea Flower Tea**: The blue-purple color of butterfly pea flower tea comes from its high anthocyanin content, which is nearly 10 times higher than other plants. Anthocyanins have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, reducing free radical damage, promoting collagen production, and helping lower blood pressure and triglycerides. Drinking butterfly pea flower tea in the right amount can provide various health benefits, but do not rely on it excessively.


  1. **Calendula Tea for Eye Health**: Calendula is known for its excellent anti-inflammatory, soothing, and moisturizing effects, earning it the nickname "poor man's saffron." Calendula tea is rich in lutein, making it a top choice for computer users and students for eye health. Although rich in lutein, calendula has a cooling nature, and excessive consumption may cause diarrhea.
  2.  Drinking butterfly pea flower tea in the right amount can provide various health   benefits. Image/Canva
  1. **Sweet and Sour Four Red Fruit Tea**: Four red fruit tea is made up of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, and red currants, rich in vitamin C and minerals, providing numerous benefits to the body. It is recommended to add soda water for drinking; if you fear the sour taste, you can add a bit of honey. This is a healthy and refreshing homemade fruit tea for quenching thirst in the summer.

Read More:https://news.immigration.gov.tw/NewsSection/Detail/B98D1B6C-9FD5-401D-9D02-FC6CE6441C61?lang=TW 

These six types of herbal teas not only provide hydration but also serve as secret weapons for beauty and health. A cup of herbal tea every day enhances health and beauty simultaneously, enjoying the goodness brought by nature.

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