
Ministry of Labor: Migrant workers are prohibited from switching employers and 3 new restrictions

Migrant workers are prohibited from switching employers. The MOL implements 3 new safety measures. (Photo / Provided by the Export Processing Zone Administration)
Migrant workers are prohibited from switching employers. The MOL implements 3 new safety measures. (Photo / Provided by the Export Processing Zone Administration)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

There has been an average of 100 confirmed cases daily in Taiwan, hence the extension of the nationwide level 3 alert. Due to the cluster of infections among migrant workers in Miaoli County, nearby areas such as Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City immediately implemented several safety measures.

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) stated that the Ministry of Labor (MOL) implemented several response measures for the safety of migrant workers.

Read more: What soft lockdown looks like in Taiwan

The MOL announced 3 prohibitions to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. (Photo / Provided by the Hsinchu City Government)The MOL announced 3 prohibitions to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. (Photo / Provided by the Hsinchu City Government) 

The Ministry of Labor announced "3 Prohibitions"

  1. Beginning today (June 5), unnecessary transfer of migrant workers to new employers will be suspended during the effective period of the Level 3 epidemic alert.
  2. Beginning today (June 5), the dispatch of personnel employed by the same employer to different factories will be suspended during the effective period of the Level 3 epidemic alert.
  3. Employers and labor brokers shall carry out disease prevention and control measures prescribed in the Guidelines for Employment of Migrant Workers in Response to COVID-19 issued by the Ministry of Labor.

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The CECC emphasized that dormitory management of migrant workers must be improved. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)The CECC emphasized that dormitory management of migrant workers must be improved. (Photo / Provided by the CDC) 

The CECC along with the MOL hopes that local governments will conduct the necessary safety measures for enterprises with over 500 migrant workers and dormitories with more than 100 residents to implement the relevant epidemic safety measures.

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