
National Immigration Agency Kinmen County Service Station and migrant workers guard Wutao: Epidemic Prevention Implementation will continue

National Immigration Agency Kinmen County Service Station and migrant workers guard Wutao: Epidemic Prevention implementation will continue. Photo/Provided by Kinmen County Service Station
National Immigration Agency Kinmen County Service Station and migrant workers guard Wutao: Epidemic Prevention implementation will continue. Photo/Provided by Kinmen County Service Station
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Raymond Rodriguez

National Immigration Agency Kinmen County Service Station and migrant workers guard Wutao: Epidemic Prevention Implementation will continue.

The Covid-19 epidemic is raging and the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情指揮中心) announced that the nationwide level 3 alert will continue until July 12. The National Immigration Agency South Administration Corps(移民署南區事務大隊), the Kinmen Service Station (金門服務站) and the Kinmen County Special Team (金門縣專勤隊) went to the construction site of the Kinmen Bridge (金門大橋) to promote Covid-19 prevention measures to the migrant workers. They explained that foreigners’ residency will automatically be extended for 30 days with no need to go to the county service station to apply for the extension. They also promoted the “Migrant Population Peace of Mind Epidemic Prevention Project” (外來人口安心採檢防疫專案), encouraging migrants with suspected symptoms to get tested for Covid-19.   

The Kinmen Bridge is a major construction project in Kinmen County and it involves many migrant workers. The Kinmen Service Station and the Special Task Force went to the construction site to explain to the migrant workers some Covid-19 epidemic prevention measures. Aside from reminding the workers to wash hands regularly, and to always wear face masks, they also introduced the multi-lingual “LINE@移點通” service of the Ministry of Labor (MOL, 勞動局). They also explained to the workers that during the period of Covid-19 nationwide level 3 alert, soon to expire residency permits will be automatically extended for 30 days by the National Immigration Agency (移民署).

Read More: NIA Taipei Service Station: Gives support to new immigrants during the epidemic

Migrant workers involved in the construction of the Kinmen Bridge. The Kinmen County service station and special task force explain epidemic prevention measures to migrant workers. (Photo/Provided by Kinmen County Service Station) 

Migrant workers involved in the construction of the Kinmen Bridge. The Kinmen County service station and special task force explain epidemic prevention measures to migrant workers. (Photo/Provided by Kinmen County Service Station)

The National Immigration Agency also promoted the “Migrant Population Peace of Mind Epidemic Prevention Project” (外來人口安心採檢防疫專案), based on the principle of “no charge, no report, no investigation and punishment”, until the Central Epidemic Command Center (國家衛生指揮中心中央流行疫情指揮中心) lifts the Covid-19 nationwide level 3 alert, legal or illegal. Illegal and overstaying migrants with suspected possible covid-19 symptoms, are encouraged to go for covid testing and medical treatment. During this period of the project, illegal migrants who take the covid test and seek medical treatment will not be investigated and punished by the authorities. 

The Kinmen Bridge Project migrant workers’ dormitory manager said, more than 100 migrant workers in the dormitory are in compliance with the newly revised epidemic prevention guidelines of the MOL. Specially assigned personnel manage and implement the proper working and living conditions of the migrant workers including their classification, distribution, daily health checks and records.

Read More: National Level 3 Alert: Extended until July 12

Liao Wei-lan (廖蔚蘭), director of the Kinmen County Service Station (金門縣服務站), said that the Covid-19 virus can spread to anywhere and that epidemic prevention should not be relaxed. Migrant workers should wash their hands frequently, wear masks, maintain a safe distance and avoid gatherings. If they feel sick or have been in contact with Covid-19 confirmed cases, they should get tested or seek medical treatment right away. For inquiries, please call the anti-epidemic hotline 1922, or call the Kinmen County Service Station (金門縣服務站).

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