
What Taiwanese and Koreans value most in life, according to observations of new immigrants to South Korea

What Taiwanese and Koreans value most in life, according to observations of new immigrants to South Korea.  Photo reproduced from KT Story YouTube
What Taiwanese and Koreans value most in life, according to observations of new immigrants to South Korea. Photo reproduced from KT Story YouTube
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Sam Richards, a sociology professor in the US, encouraged his students to explore "What Makes Life Meaningful?" in class, and Pew Research in the US carried out a poll on this topic in 17 nations worldwide. Recently, an interracial couple YouTubers posted on their channel "KT Story" their opinions on this study as well as the distinctions between Taiwan and South Korea on this topic.

Read more: An American YouTuber who visited Taiwan to bicycle across the island gave the police and locals credit for their friendliness

What Taiwanese and Koreans value most in life, according to observations of new immigrants to South Korea.Photo reproduced from KT Story YouTube

According to Pew Research's poll on "What Makes Life Meaningful?" "Family" is the most often cited response worldwide, followed by "career" and "friends" in that order.

"Health" ranks first in Spain, "material wealth" in South Korea and "society" in Taiwan. YouTuber Bong (邦ㄚ) from South Korea was particularly touched when he discussed the poll with his wife on the show.

Bong (邦ㄚ)gave two instances of what he observed in Taiwan. For instance, the government mandated that masks be worn in public during the pandemic. The same laws were met with strong opposition from people worldwide, who even demonstrated in the streets. Nevertheless, the great majority of Taiwanese citizens complied with the laws. Random assaults have moreover happened in Taiwan and South Korea in the past. In other nations, individuals would prefer to flee or contact the police first, however in Taiwan, some people are ready to take a stance and put an end to the suspects' violent actions. Bong (邦ㄚ) was persuaded by the two instances that "society" had higher significance in the views of Taiwanese people.

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