
Nationwide epidemic alert to remain at Level 2 from October 5 to October 18

Nationwide level 2 alert is maintained until October 18. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)
Nationwide level 2 alert is maintained until October 18. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)

As the pandemic has continued to subside and the situation is under control in Taiwan, after discussions with relevant agencies and assessments, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on October 4 that it will maintain the Level 2 epidemic alert, effective from October 5 to October 18. Details about adjustments to related regulations and general principles are listed below.

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Religious venues, dining areas, and outdoor mask regulations are eased. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)

Religious venues, dining areas, and outdoor mask regulations are eased. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)

  1. Venues that meet the disease prevention and management regulations of regulatory authorities are allowed to open, and the following venues should follow related regulations or guidelines:
  2. Video game arcades, Internet cafes, MTVs, KTV clubs (self-service KTV and telephone booth-like KTV), board game cafes, majiang clubs.
  3. Religious venues or place of worship:
    1. Pilgrimage groups and dining events are allowed conditionally.
    2. There is no requirement of checkerboard seating in religious venues or places of worship.
  4. Dining: there is no requirement of dividers or of a distance of 1.5 meters when eating in food and beverage venues; social interactions such as leaving one's own table to toast other tables are allowed at banquets; rules for serving food to guests are eased in restaurants offer a set menu for a group of people and offer a buffet.
  5. Convenience stores can sell hot food items, including tea eggs and oden without the staff providing assistance.
  6. TV news anchors do not need to wear a mask when officially filming if they can maintain social distancing from other staff.

Read more: Taipei relaxes limits on indoor dining

Outdoor mask regulations have been eased. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)

Outdoor mask regulations have been eased. (Photo / Provided by the CECC)

  1. Starting October 5, people will not be required to wear a mask outdoors in the following situations:
  2. People in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and animal husbandry sectors that work in open spaces (such as farm fields, fish ponds, forests and mountains) will not be required to wear masks; however, they should still carry a mask with them and to maintain social distancing from others.
  3. People in forests and mountains (including forest recreation areas) and those on the beach will not be required to wear a mask, but they should carry a mask with them and to maintain social distancing from others.
  4. In the above-mentioned situations, people will still be required to wear a mask if there is a sudden surge in crowds, or social distancing can't be maintained at the place where you work or interact with others.
  5. Other applicable rules from the competent authority should be followed.
  1. Venues that should remain closed: Singing and dance venues, nightclubs, clubs, hostess bars, bars, pubs, and beauty parlors (tourist parlors and audio-video parlors).

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