
June 28: CECC confirms 60 new local cases

 CECC commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中). (Photo / Provided by the CDC)
CECC commander Chen Shih-chung (陳時中). (Photo / Provided by the CDC)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

On June 28, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced 60 new confirmed cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in Taiwan. All 60 cases are indigenous. The CECC also announced three deaths today.

The CECC pointed out that of the 60 indigenous cases, 26 are men and the other 34 are women, aged between under 10 to 99 years old. They began to suffer the onset of symptoms between June 19 and June 27, 2021. Regarding those indigenous cases, New Taipei City reported most cases, at 33, and Taipei City had the second highest number, at 22. Taoyuan City reported 2 cases, and Keelung City, Nantou County and Changhua County reported 1 each. 

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60 new local cases were confirmed on June 28. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)60 new local cases were confirmed on June 28. (Photo / Provided by the CDC)

Regarding the three deaths announced today, they were two men and one woman between 70 and 99 years old.

The CECC reported that a total of 1,282,057 cases related to COVID-19 have been reported in Taiwan among which COVID-19 has been ruled out in 1,265,704. Of these reported cases, infection with COVID-19 was laboratory-confirmed in 14,694 cases. Of the 14,694 confirmed cases, 1,170 are imported; 13,471 are indigenous; 36 are naval crew members aboard the Panshi fast combat support ship; 2 are infections on an aircraft; 1 case has unknown sources of infection; 14 cases' sources of infection are being investigated, and a cumulative total of 102 cases have been removed from the list of confirmed cases. There have been a cumulative total of 635 COVID-19 deaths since 2020; of the 635 deaths, 627 are indigenous cases and the other 8 are imported. 

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The CECC reminds the public to pay attention to personal hygiene such as washing your hands regularly, wearing your masks, reducing unnecessary outings, and avoiding crowded areas especially those that are considered to be high-risk. Cooperating and following these epidemic prevention guidelines will keep the land and its people safe. 

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