
Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers

Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers. Image courtesy of Bank SinoPac.
Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers. Image courtesy of Bank SinoPac.
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by Amy Hsieh

Bank SinoPac is offering a cheap and convenient international money transfer service for foreign workers in Taiwan.

There are over 700,000 foreign laborers in Taiwan. Most of the workers are from Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

In the past, foreign workers rely on employment agencies and intermediaries to transfer their money. This is because foreign workers often have to work in factories or employers’ homes for long periods, they often miss the working hours of the bank. Let alone the language barrier they experience.  

Therefore, Bank SinoPac aims to simplify this money transfer process and provide a safe and fast international money transfer service. 


Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers. Image courtesy of CNA.

Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers. Image courtesy of CNA.


Bank SinoPac provides a money transfer system for migrant workers. The whole money transfer process can be easily done online. Foreign workers can now have a faster and cheaper option to transfer their money back home.  


Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers. Image courtesy of Bank SinoPac.

Bank SinoPac offers a cheaper money transfer service for foreign workers. Image courtesy of Bank SinoPac.

The bank reviews the Pre-settlement Risk Limit and systematic control and management of KYC (Know Your Customer) evaluation. And it follows the Anti Money Laundering regulation (AML).  

Bank SinoPac mentions that they have successfully helped over 110,000 foreign workers with their money transformation needs. In the future, the bank will keep on providing a complete financial ecosystem for migrant workers and intermediaries.

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