
New immigrants invited for “Hand in hand: Care for New Immigrants & Gender Equality Talk in times of Pandemic”

New immigrants invited for the “Hand in hand: Care for New Immigrants & Gender Equality Talk in times of Pandemic”. (Photo / Provided by the New Immigrant Development and Exchange Association)
New immigrants invited for the “Hand in hand: Care for New Immigrants & Gender Equality Talk in times of Pandemic”. (Photo / Provided by the New Immigrant Development and Exchange Association)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】translated by CHI CHIA I

The COVID-19 outbreak that happened in mid-May 2021 has negatively affected people’s livelihood in Taiwan. The National Immigration Agency (NIA) is very concerned about promoting epidemic prevention measures to new immigrants and whether new immigrants are vaccinated.

Hence, multilingual announcements were made to enable more new immigrants to understand epidemic prevention works, and NIA has actively contacted civil society organizations to care about the health of the new immigrants.

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A group photo taken in the meeting. (Photo / Provided by the New Immigrant Development and Exchange Association)

A group photo taken in the meeting. (Photo / Provided by the New Immigrant Development and Exchange Association)

Liang Jin Ni (梁金妮), the President of the New Immigrant Development and Exchange Association, understands the needs of the new immigrants.

Recently, she handled the “Hand in hand: Care for New Immigrants & Gender Equality Talk in times of Pandemic” on November 21, inviting new immigrants from various countries to participate.

Yi-Han Wang (王翊涵), the Professor of the National Changhua University of Education, Department Of Counseling and Guidance, led the talk and discussed the following four topics.

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  1. Due to the impact of the pandemic, the journey back to their hometowns is still hindered. New immigrants need to share their feelings and encourage each other to cope with homesickness
  1. Getting along with family members during the pandemic: as disease outbreak prevention measures were implemented, new immigrants would thus have more quality time with their family members. It is important to learn how to support the whole family and build family harmony.
  1. Parenting during the pandemic: new immigrant parents might have difficulties assisting their children in online classes. It is important to face a new way of parenting and learn something new together with children.
  1. Caring connection during the pandemic: new immigrants might face challenges in life. It is important to build a caring network for new immigrants, enabling new immigrants to support each other.


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