
Australian firemen raise money to care for stray animals by taking pictures for charity calendars with cats and dogs

Australian firemen raise money to care for stray animals by taking pictures for charity calendars with cats and dogs.  Photo provided by the PACK Sanctuary
Australian firemen raise money to care for stray animals by taking pictures for charity calendars with cats and dogs. Photo provided by the PACK Sanctuary
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The firemen that took part in the Australia Firefighter Calendar shooting worked along with the firefighters from New Taipei City. This year, they returned to Taiwan and visited The PACK Sanctuary in New Taipei City to give the organization a hundred books of 2024 calendars for a charity sale. There will be charitable uses for the earnings. The Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Taiwan (ANZCham) also contributed more than NT$230,000 to support and aid the stray dog care program.

Australian firemen raise money to care for stray animals by taking pictures for charity calendars with cats and dogs.Photo provided by National Fire Agency, MOI

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Since 1993, the Australia Firefighter Calendar has been released on a yearly basis. Its aim and goal are public welfare, and the sales earnings are given to charity that support children, animals, and firefighters. According to team director David Rogers, this began in or around 2012, firefighters and cats , dogs, and wild animals were photographed together.

Australian firemen raise money to care for stray animals by taking pictures for charity calendars with cats and dogs.Photo reproduced from IG@australianfirefighterscalendar

After visiting Taiwan twice in 2019, the members who took part in the calendar shooting are now on their third trip there. Members also expressed their desire that more stray animals will receive better care as a result of this calendar charity sale.

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