
Signing Up for New Resident Festival Games starts from Nov 20th

Signing Up for New Resident Festival Games starts from Nov 20th

      The United Nation International Migrant Day is annually held on Dec 18th. The Interior Ministry has also marked this date as The New Resident Day since 2011. In order to promote the diverse cultures and communicate the new resident with the community in Kinmen, Social Affairs Department Kinmen County Government is going to hold the New Immigrant Festival on Dec 14th from 9AM until 12PM. People can start signing up for the games from Nov 20th.  First come, first served.

   There will be several performances by the new resident, food tasting and competition games. Game cards has only 400 spots, each phone call can sign up for 2 people only, and it is welcomed to the new resident and everyone. Each game card can exchange for one promotion gift provided by the official.

     Fun competition games must be signing up by parents and the elementary kids as a team. There are two kinds of competition and each one can only be joined by 8 teams. Each phone signs up for only one team, new residents come first. Each game is awarded 3 prizes and the competition games are about language and culture challenges, foreign food tasting.

     For signing up those competition games and game cards above please called 318823 #62567 for Miss Chang.

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