
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has signed a collaboration contract with the immigration agency. By signing the contract, they plan on sharing more resources in the future, such as training, lectures and application services. Thereby, this will help the student with more practical practices and improve the service of the immigration agency as well.

Vice president Shi Zhong Xian said, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages has always been dedicated to language education. It is important for the student to develop professional skills and their knowledge of the different cultures besides their language abilities.

Zhong Jing Kun, deputy minister of the Kaohsiung immigration agency said that they have been in close connection with Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages for years, and the result was always really well. Currently, all the service stations have provided campus appointment service and online resident visa application for the foreign students. Besides, he also encourages student to participant in more volunteer jobs and intern in the new resident service as a mean to learn more knowledges and prepare for the immigration exam.

Vice president Shi Zhong Xian sign the collaboration program with the immigration agency deputy minister, Zhong Jing Kun Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages photo

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