Ministry of Education conducted the report, "Strategies for comprehensive care for children ages 0-6" including three main policies, "Expand public education and care services", "Create a quasi-public system by subsidizing costs for private education and care services", and "Expand coverage of child-rearing allowances", during the council of the Executive Yuan on 2th. The supply of affordable education insurance services has reached 396,000 quotas, and the admission rate of kindergarten has increased, compared with previous years.
The Executive Yuan promotes "A supportive child-rearing environment to counter declining births" and takes care of children aged 0-6 with parents through expanding public education and care services, creating a quasi-public system by subsidizing costs for private education and care services, and expanding coverage of child-rearing allowances. There have been about 400,000 schooling opportunities offered in affordable childcare centers and kindergartens since these policies were carried out. In terms of childcare allowances, the number of beneficiaries has increased from 260,000 in 2016 to 870,000 in 2019 that has gained more than tripled. Since this year, the government has provided childcare allowances ranging from 3,000 or 6,000 for children aged 2 to 3 who are still taken care of by babysitters or childcare centers, and 16,000 children have been taken care of.
Minister of Education, Pan Wenzhong, states that the expansion of public education will be accelerated in the future. The number of childcare facilities will reach 590 places, and kindergartens will be increased to 3,000 classes. Tuition fees are also aimed to decrease, and childcare allowances, especially for the second children, will increase.
Ministry of Education indicates that the rate of 0-2-year-old children sent to childcare centers is expected to reach 23%, and the admission rate of kindergarten for children over 2 years old can reach 72% surpassing 70% in OECD countries to provide 70% of affordable education support services and increase 52,000 quasi-public education places.