
Traditional Fishing Nets Get a New Look! Youth from Dachi Community Return Home to Present a Special Gift to Their Elders

The youth from Dajiao Studio in Xiyu Township, Penghu County, participated in an experiential learning program called "The Blessing from Chi." (Image / Courtesy of the Ministry of Culture)
The youth from Dajiao Studio in Xiyu Township, Penghu County, participated in an experiential learning program called "The Blessing from Chi." (Image / Courtesy of the Ministry of Culture)

The National Tainan Living Aesthetics Museum has teamed up with the Dajiao Studio in Xiyu, Penghu, to launch a creative and cultural experience workshop called "Chi Lai's Gift," which attracted enthusiastic participation from many Penghu youths. This event not only symbolizes the years of community-building heritage in Dachi but also serves as a special gift from the returning youth to their elders.

For many years, the Dachi community in Xiyu has been dedicated to community building, connecting the emotions of hometown and overseas travelers through the "Xiangqing" monthly magazine. This year, Wang Chaochun, a young returning artist, has taken it a step further by combining traditional fishing net dyeing techniques with modern creativity, bringing a new look to the community. The "Chi Lai's Gift" workshop allowed the youth to personally experience the traditional crafts and local delicacies of the Dachi fishing village. The diverse activities ranged from community tours to handmade crafts, showcasing the unique charm of the Dachi community.
Cuttlefish Shell Casting Experience. (Image / Courtesy of the Ministry of Culture)

The participating youths expressed that this event gave them a new understanding of their hometown and a deeper appreciation for the value and beauty of traditional culture.

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