
Taichung gov't launches strict home quarantine measures to ensure migrant workers' safety

Taichung gov't launches strict home quarantine measures to ensure migrant workers' safety


In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Central Epidemic Command Center and the Ministry of Labor has launched various response plans. The Labor Affairs Bureau of Taichung City Government particularly inspected the "Industrial newly introduced migrant workers' entry home quarantine plan" (產業類新引進移工申請入境居家檢疫計畫書) and called on employers to follow the government's disease control to protect citizens' and migrant workers' health and safety.


On April 23, the Ministry of Labor issued the "Industrial newly introduced migrant workers' entry home quarantine plan" (產業類新引進移工申請入境居家檢疫計畫書) explaining locations where inspections would be carried out and restrictions that employers should follow. If a violation occurs, employers would be banned from introducing migrant workers. The Ministry of Labor has received more than 100 applications for entry since the plan was launched. After a preliminary inspection, over 80 percent of application forms lacked detailed information, reported the same location more than once, or were used in the wrong version, Director-general of the Ministry of Labor, Wu Weizhi (吳威志), stated. The MOL has already employers or private service institutions to revise it.


Director-general Wu explained that in response to locations that employers or private service institutions reported, the MOL has carried out the most comprehensive and strict inspections at those quarantine places to ensure local citizens' and migrant workers' safety and called on employers to check if the information they submit is correct. Also, employers have to check if all personnel practices home quarantine at reported places. Detailed information can be accessed on勞工局網站. Besides, if application forms that employers or designated private service institutions include wrong information, employers who violate will be fined from 300,000 to 1,500,000 NTD while brokers will be forced to discontinue operations under one year, the Ministry of Labor will abolish employers' eligibility to hire migrant workers. 


Source: Taichung City Government


The Ministry of Labor of Taichung City Government publicizes disease control measures to migrant workers at Taichung Station. Source: Taichung City Government

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