
Taipei City: 1st place in Asia's Education Power Evaluation

Taipei City shows the power of education amid the COVID-19 epidemic. (Photo / Retrieved from Shutterstock Gallery)
Taipei City shows the power of education amid the COVID-19 epidemic. (Photo / Retrieved from Shutterstock Gallery)
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

The Economist (經濟學人) published in June 2021 the results for the evaluation of the most livable cities in the world. Taipei's Education was evaluated and received a perfect score of 100, higher than the global average of 74 points in 140 cities. Only 9 cities worldwide received full scores, and Taipei became one of the top "dragons" in Asia, surpassing Singapore, Hong Kong, and Seoul with 91.7 points. Taipei City climbed from 59th place in March 2020 to 33rd place this year.


Taipei City's power of education ranks first among the top 4 in Asia. (Photo / Provided by the Department of Education, Taipei City Government)Taipei City's power of education ranks first among the top 4 in Asia. (Photo / Provided by the Department of Education, Taipei City Government)

Amid the epidemic, Taipei City's "Taipei CooC-Cloud (台北酷課雲)" became the first choice for online learning. It is known as the best learning platform in the Chinese world. Ever since classes were switched into online learning, teachers and students had to evaluate which platforms were best for learning.

Education in Taipei City is recognized internationally. (Photo / Retrieved from Associated Press)Education in Taipei City is recognized internationally. (Photo / Retrieved from Associated Press) 

In addition to the evaluation done by The Economist, Taipei City is recognized for assisting in the development of non-school type experimental education, establishing innovation development centers. The city also provides consultation services for families involved in experimental education.

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