
“The Stories of the Sahara,” the most famous work by deceased Taiwanese writer Sanmao (三毛), will be published in the U.K. in November, with the U.S. edition scheduled for publication in January.

“The Stories of the Sahara” includes travel and autobiographical accounts of Sanmao’s life in the desert of Western Sahara, with her Spanish husband Jose Maria Quero y Ruiz during the 1970s. Sanmao, also known as Chen Ping (陳平), quickly made her name in the Chinese-speaking world after publishing this first collection of travelogues and memoirs in 1976.

Sanmao embodies the courage of traveling afar, and the desire to pursue freedom and enrich one’s spiritual life, said the Crown Culture Corporation. Her work reflects her care and compassion for others, respect for other cultures, as well as her attentiveness to beauty, it added.

The Taiwan-based publishing house, in partnership with the Grayhawk Agency, sold the global English copyright of the book to the U.K. publisher, Bloomsbury, in 2016. “The Stories of the Sahara,” will be published in the U.K. on Nov. 14, and the U.S. edition is scheduled for publication in January 2020.

In addition to the English editions, the book’s copyright has also been acquired by several European and Asian publishing houses and will be published in Dutch, Spanish, and Japanese, among other languages, according to the Crown Culture Corporation. Throughout her writing career, Sanmao published dozens of novels and essays before her death in 1991.

Source:Taiwan News

The UK edition of Sanmao's “The Stories of the Sahara” (Bloomsbury photo)

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