
Far Eastern International Bank launched two-way translation services in 48 languages

Far Eastern International Bank launched two-way translation services in 48 languages. Photo reproduced from Pixabay
Far Eastern International Bank launched two-way translation services in 48 languages. Photo reproduced from Pixabay
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Since 2020, Far Eastern International Bank has established four bilingual demonstration branches in succession to provide a multilingual environment. Far Eastern International Bank has installed two-way translation technology supporting 48 languages in its demonstration branches, and it is anticipated that it will be expanded to all branches in Taiwan by the end of this year, considering the fact that there are more than 1.2 million migrant workers and new immigrants in Taiwan, the majority of whom are from non-English speaking countries.

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Far Eastern International Bank launched two-way translation services in 48 languages.Photo provided by Far Eastern International Bank

Since 2020, Far Eastern International Bank has created four bilingual demonstration branches (台北復興,林口分行, 台北城中分行及營業部) in response to the government's 2030 bilingual national policy, allowing visitors from all over the world to enter the locations with ease.

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According to Far Eastern International Bank, its bilingual branch employees are able to provide services competently whether they are dealing with foreigners who speak English, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Spanish, French, or other languages. It has been set up two-way translation equipment that supports 48 languages, and by the end of this year, it is anticipated to be expanded to all branches in Taiwan.

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