
Family Education Center of Tainan City Provides New Immigrants’ Mother Tongue Consultation Service

Family Education Center of Tainan City Provides New Immigrants’ Mother Tongue Consultation Service  Picture reproduced from Family Education Center of Tainan City
Family Education Center of Tainan City Provides New Immigrants’ Mother Tongue Consultation Service Picture reproduced from Family Education Center of Tainan City
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

By recruiting new immigrants who are qualified as interpreters and native language teachers and calling to care for new immigrants living in Tainan, the Family Education Center of Tainan City has established an innovative family education and care line for new immigrants since 2022. Language removes barriers and unfamiliarity, enables the expression of emotions through common talks and relieves the pressure of life.

According to Zheng, Xin-Huei, the commissioner of Bureau of Education, Tainan City Government, the Family Education Center of Tainan City has long provided 06-412-8185 consultation service. During the epidemic, 3 lines were added for caring calls, including services in the language of new immigrants to smooth the communication through mother tongue. Sentimental support, family education and government resources are also provided for new immigrants, to reduce sense of helplessness and gain stability.

In addition, many new immigrants feel the warmth for hearing the familiar language of their hometown through the telephone, and they are also very happy that someone can understand them without barriers, in 2022, Indonesian language service has been added. In the future, related activities will be organized to make more new immigrant families connect with each other, multiple policies will continuously be implemented to support new immigrant families in Taiwan.

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