
German journalist shares the unique sight of Taiwan’s convenience stores with Internet users shared heart-warming stories behind it

German journalist shares the unique sight of Taiwan’s convenience stores with Internet users shared heart-warming stories behind it.  Photo reproduced from New Southbound Policy Portal website
German journalist shares the unique sight of Taiwan’s convenience stores with Internet users shared heart-warming stories behind it. Photo reproduced from New Southbound Policy Portal website
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

German journalist Klaus Bardenhagen, who is stationed in Taiwan, posted a picture he snapped inside a convenience shop on X a few days ago. Three people were dozing off on the table in the picture. He said, "I don't know what's in the coffee at the convenience store, but it can't be caffeine." The moment this piece was published, it sparked conversation among Internet users.

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German journalist shares the unique sight of Taiwan’s convenience stores with Internet users shared heart-warming stories behind it.Photo reproduced from Klaus Bardenhagen’s X

To spread the word to more Taiwanese Internet users, a few of them sent the message to the "Global News For Taiwan" (割蘿蔔外電譯站) Facebook. Numerous internet users said, "Back then I had no place to take a nap, so I went to the supermarket to buy lunch while sleeping, and then went back to work when the time was up." "It's truly a blessing when there's nowhere to relax." Perhaps parents are waiting to pick up their kids, or kids are waiting for their parents.

Furthermore, an internet users shared, "I have actually witnessed individuals who appeared to be victims of domestic abuse late at night. They were unable to return home and took refuge in 7-11. Additionally, I came across MRT night shift employees who had to wait for work in a convenience store because they had misplaced their keys. In a sense, 24H convenience stores also offer a basic haven beneath the glaring lights.” Although some internet users assumed the German reporter was only making a joke post, they were unprepared for the sincere and endearing response from the Taiwanese.

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