According to a new study, consuming more apples, broccoli, cucumbers, bananas, or green beans may help keep the doctor away, especially for hypertension patients at risk of heart disease and kidney disease. The study, led by Dr. Donald Wesson, a professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas at Austin's Dell Medical School, indicates that animal products, particularly meat, produce acid, while fruits and vegetables generate alkali.The Mediterranean diet could be beneficial to children's heart health, according to a new study. vaaseenaa/iStockphoto/Getty Images
Published in the American Journal of Medicine, the study involved a randomized controlled trial of 153 participants at high risk of hypertension and chronic kidney disease. The results showed that diets supplemented with fruits and vegetables or baking soda helped promote kidney health, but only fruits and vegetables improved heart health. Dr. Wesson emphasized the importance of a diet rich in fruits and vegetables for managing hypertension. Marion Nestle, a professor emerita of nutrition at New York University, added that the study reinforces the benefits of a plant-rich diet for health, including reducing the risk of kidney disease.