
French friends raved about Taiwanese bento's least favorite side dish

French friends raved about Taiwanese bento's least favorite side dish.  Photo reproduced from Wikipedia
French friends raved about Taiwanese bento's least favorite side dish. Photo reproduced from Wikipedia
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

A French YouTuber, Ku, who has spent a long time living in Taiwan, recently posted a video on his YouTube channel, "Ku's dream" in which he invited 14 French friends to sample typical Taiwanese bento dishes. Unexpectedly, evaluations for the "three-color beans" bento side dish—which Taiwanese people dislike—have been good, and it's said to be tasty.

Read more: A Thai Michelin-starred chef stays in the "Presidential Suite" to experiment with new flavors in Taiwanese cuisine

French friends raved about Taiwanese bento's least favorite side dish.Photo reproduced from Ku's dream酷的夢 YouTube

In fact, French friends raved about neon curry and fried three-color beans in the video. They were taken aback to discover that these two side dishes are the least popular among Taiwanese people.

The diversity of Taiwanese bento meals, their huge quantities, and their affordable prices caught our French guests off guard at this time's bento tasting.

With Ku showcasing the most beautiful Taiwanese bento foods, this video also sparked discussions among Taiwanese viewers, who declared that Ku is indeed the most "Taiwanese" Frenchman.

French friends raved about Taiwanese bento's least favorite side dish.Photo reproduced from Ku's dream酷的夢 YouTube



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