
The Risk of Precocious Puberty is High! Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Join Forces to Help Children Grow Healthily

Precocious puberty is not just about short stature; it may also be associated with adult metabolic syndrome, breast cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, early menopause, depression, and anxiety. (Image / Authorized by Heho)
Precocious puberty is not just about short stature; it may also be associated with adult metabolic syndrome, breast cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome, early menopause, depression, and anxiety. (Image / Authorized by Heho)

If a child enters puberty too early, their physical and mental health may face severe challenges. Precocious puberty not only affects height development but may also lead to health issues such as metabolic syndrome, breast cancer, and early menopause. More seriously, on a psychological level, early development may cause the child to be ridiculed or excluded by peers. Experts suggest that parents should promptly seek joint treatment from both Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Western medicine to help reverse the condition and ensure normal growth for the child.

Signs of precocious puberty include the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics before age 9 in boys and age 8 in girls, such as breast development or enlarged testicles. If left untreated, the growth plates in the bones may close prematurely, affecting the child’s final height. Therefore, early detection of the problem is critical.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM): Diet and Lifestyle Changes Are Key
In modern life, children's diets are often too greasy or unhealthy, leading to excessive damp heat in the spleen and stomach, which triggers early activation of the gonads. For this issue, TCM often uses "Long Dan Xie Gan Tang" to clear heat and dispel dampness. Additionally, irregular lifestyles such as staying up late for tutoring or playing video games can lead to kidney yin deficiency with excessive internal heat, causing hormonal overproduction. In these cases, "Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan" can be used to nourish yin and reduce internal heat. Children who are overweight or consume too much sugar are more prone to early development due to spleen dampness, and "Er Chen Tang" can be used to strengthen the spleen, reduce dampness, and lower the risk of precocious puberty.In modern life, children’s diets are often too greasy or unhealthy, leading to excessive damp heat in the spleen and stomach, which triggers early activation of the gonads. (Image / pixabay)

Western Medicine: Hormone Suppression Therapy
Western treatments for precocious puberty primarily involve hormone suppression injections, such as Leuprorelin or Triptorelin, to inhibit early development of the gonads. A monthly injection costs about NT$5,000, and the treatment effectively slows the growth of bone age, significantly delaying bone fusion. However, during treatment, the child's height growth may slow, and the therapy can be prolonged, so parents must continuously monitor the results.

Integrated TCM and Western Medicine Therapy
When precocious puberty has not yet reached the threshold for hormone injection therapy, parents can opt for TCM treatment. Using combined formulas like "Zhi Bai Di Huang Wan" and "Malt" can significantly slow down bone fusion, reducing the risk of early cessation of growth. In the integrated treatment process, when Western medicine slows the child’s height growth, TCM can support the spleen and stomach to promote better nutrient absorption and boost growth.

Precocious puberty should not be ignored. Early detection and treatment can effectively prevent future physical and mental health problems. Parents should actively seek collaboration between TCM and Western medicine to provide comprehensive care for their child, helping them grow up healthily and happily.

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