
When should children start potty training? According to doctors, the ideal time is between 2.5 and 5 years old.

The key to potty training is whether the child is ready. (Image/Provided by Heho Health)
The key to potty training is whether the child is ready. (Image/Provided by Heho Health)

Potty training is an important milestone for both children and parents. Doctors recommend starting to prepare for potty training when the child is around 2.5 to 3 years old. However, the timing for success can vary significantly between children. Some may take up to a year or even two, while others might succeed within a few weeks. Thus, parents need to be patient and supportive throughout this process.Usually, around 2.5 to 3 years old, is a good time to start preparing for potty training. (Image/Provided by Heho Health)

The key to successful potty training is whether the child is ready. Doctors emphasize that potty training requires time and practice; forcing it prematurely may lead to resistance and increased dependence on diapers. Parents should ensure the child meets basic readiness indicators, such as expressing the need to use the toilet and understanding how to use it.

Consistency is crucial during potty training. Parents should observe the child's bowel habits and bring them to the toilet at regular intervals to help them develop a routine. Additionally, parents might start by not using diapers during the day and gradually transition to nights, observing if the child can stay dry through the night.Take the child to the toilet at regular times to gradually develop their bathroom habits. (Image/Provided by Heho Health)

If a child is still not potty trained by age 5, doctors recommend consulting a healthcare provider to check for potential health issues like bladder dysfunction. Physicians can assess the child's dependence on diapers and offer appropriate guidance and support to help with successful potty training.

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