
Indonesian migrant worker lauded by Pingtung gov't for his enthusiasm in public welfare

Indonesian migrant worker lauded by Pingtung gov't for his enthusiasm in public welfare


Pingtung County Government recently selected out 31 outstanding migrant workers and 6 outstanding employers. It was scheduled that County Government held the award ceremony on May 1; however, affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Director of the Labor and Youth Development Department, Lin Dehui, has served as the representative to individually award outstanding migrant workers and employers since April 27 at each office. During the process, the county government found that each unit has worked with the government to fight the virus, including conducting regular temperature measurement and full disinfection in all areas.

County Mayor Pan Men-an stated that Labor day belongs to all workers and employees. He appreciated the contributions that workers have made for Pingtung, regardless of their nationalities. The award ceremony selected out many outstanding migrant workers and employers and promoted good labor relations.

Rasidi Idi, who is a migrant worker from Indonesian and currently works for Taiwan Farm Industry Co., Ltd., was selected out. He has encouraged and led Indonesian migrant workers in Taiwan to engage in public welfare activities. Also, he has worked with the government to publicize various policies that enhance positive interactions between society and migrant workers. Recently, he actively collected masks for migrant workers to fight with Taiwan against the Virus.

Source: Pingtung County Government


Rasidi Idi, a migrant worker from Indonesian, was selected out as an outstanding migrant worker in Pingtung. Source: Pingtung County Government

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