
雙語新聞-網友路過打烊麵店驚覺被盯,細看後發現最萌食物模型 Japan soba restaurant sees furry addition to food sample display

推特網友經過一間蕎麥麵店,仔細看後才發現居然有隻貓坐在餐廳展示食物的櫥窗內。A cat was discovered quietly sitting among food samples at a soba restaurant, accidentally alarming a passerby who felt "eyes" on her. (Photo courtesy of @yuuki122606/Twitter)
推特網友經過一間蕎麥麵店,仔細看後才發現居然有隻貓坐在餐廳展示食物的櫥窗內。A cat was discovered quietly sitting among food samples at a soba restaurant, accidentally alarming a passerby who felt "eyes" on her. (Photo courtesy of @yuuki122606/Twitter)

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