
Indonesian New immigrant Made Sukariawan’s woodcarving artwork exhibition now in Miaoli and Taichung

Indonesian New immigrant Made Sukariawan’s woodcarving artwork exhibition now in Miaoli and Taichung

Made Sukariawan is from Ubud, a town on the Indonesian island of Bali. Hong Ling-fang (洪玲芳) is from Taiwan. In 1999, the two of them met while working at an international resort on Bali island. Together, they traveled from Bali to Malaysia, Japan and Maldives. They were also on the island of Phuket when the 2004 tsunami hit southern Thailand. They stayed with each other through thick and thin, and in 2008, they got married and settled down in Taichung.        

Made gave up his stable job at Club Med, and followed his beloved wife to Taiwan. He attended a Chinese Level C Chef Qualification Examination, without knowing any Mandarin. Made studied the Chinese old exams, and recited 600 questions. Eventually, he scored 89 on the test, and he even received applaud from the invigilators. 

Hong Ling-fang had a C-level corporate job at an international company. However, she gave up a job promotion opportunity in Shanghai. She stayed with Made and learned the basic woodcarving techniques from Made.  

Made found inspiration through the people he met in Taiwan, and he combined these inspirations in his woodcarving artwork. Made met volunteers in the garbage recycling center, in the environmental protection team, had volunteers cleaning up the beach. He also would have conversations with Taiwanese uncles in the market and learned how to speak in Chinese. The friendliness and love he received from the Taiwanese people became an inspiration in Made’s artworks.          

In 2019, Made participated a woodcarving competition in Taiwan. Made carved joss statues of deities in Taiwanese temples. People felt the love and life from the wood-carved deities. The organizers of the competition and art world were amazed by his artwork.  

The Indonesian new immigrant Made Sukariawan came to Taiwan because of love. Made has attracted attention in the art and culture circles through his artworks. His woodcarving artworks are compatible with international perspectives and multi-ethnicity perspectives, and he has is invited to participate in many exhibitions.      

The“2021 Bali Through the Carving Knife”(雕刻刀下的巴厘島 2021) exhibition opening ceremony was on April 10 at Taichung City Dadun Cultural Center. Two famous artists performed at the ceremony, including Isaac Lim, a modern dancer from the National Theatre of Malaysia, and Budana Aswin (楊書文), a famous musician from Bali. With their brilliant performance, people felt as if they were in Bali.        

“2021 Bali Through the Carving Knife “exhibition will be open to the public until April 28. At the same time, there is another exhibition “Miracle- Made Sukariawan woodcarving artwork”(奇蹟-馬爹木雕個展) at Sanyi Wood Sculpture Museum until May 23.    

Watch the video of the preparation of the Taichung exhibition here.

Address: 88, Guangsheng Xincheng, Sanyi Township, Miaoli County 367004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Transportation (two options):

  • After taking the train to “Sanyi Station,” people can take a taxi or walk by foot to reach the museum.
  • After taking the train to "Miaoli Station", transfer to Hsinchu Bus to "Sanyi Main Station" and walk to the museum.

Address: No. 600, Yingcai Rd., West District, Taichung City 403. 

Transportation (two options) :

  • Take the train to "Taichung Station", then transfer to Taichung Bus 71, UBus 75 to "Art Museum (Wuquan West Road)", or Chuan Hang Bus 5 to "Dadun Cultural Center (Wuquan Road)"
  • After taking the Taiwan High Speed Rail to “Taichung Station,” then transfer to the high-speed rail free shuttle bus to "Tuku Station."


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