
2019 FUTEX in Taipei set to spotlight smart agriculture tech

2019 FUTEX in Taipei set to spotlight smart agriculture tech

The 2019 FUTEX future technology exhibition taking place in Taipei between Dec. 5-8 will emphasize Taiwan’s smart agricultural biotech.

Featured at the annual tech showcase for the first time, a smart agriculture zone will put the spotlight on 12 technologies that include smart identification, smart vehicles, smart plant protectants, and smart production, wrote CNA.

An anti-adversity plant growth regulator, developed by National Chung Hsing University, could well drive the next-generation crop cultivation revolution without the use of genome-editing technologies. Also, an innovative algae-based fish feed additive invented by National Cheng Kung University boosts fish farming efficiency.

Meanwhile, a “white tail disease” virus breakthrough paves the way for the development of vaccines that protect shrimps against the disease. The research was carried out in a joint venture between National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center, National Taiwan University, National Chiao Tung University, and National Taiwan Normal University.

FUTEX also includes a “one-on-one matching” mechanism to conduct networking activities. This will help turn new technologies into commercial opportunities, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Source:Taiwan News

Taiwan unveils secret of the “white tail disease” virus. (MOST image)

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