
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bring “2022 New Southbound Policy Film Festival” To A Successful Ending

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held “2022 New Southbound Policy Film Festival” to a successful ending
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held “2022 New Southbound Policy Film Festival” to a successful ending
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Translated by Erinne Kinata 紀佩言

The "2022 Ministry of Foreign Affairs New Southbound Policy Film Festival" was recently held at the Huashan Film Center in SPOT Huashan Cinema, featuring a total of 6 high-quality films from Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, India and other New Southbound countries, and held 12 free screenings, which aroused widespread responses from all walks of life, attracting the Taiwanese people attention towards the film culture of New Southbound country.

Since Taiwan promoted the “New Southbound Policy” in 2016, in addition to encourage Taiwan businessmen to invest and do business in New Southbound countries, it has also welcomed industries from various countries to cooperate with Taiwan, and has achieved remarkable results in various fields such as economy, trade, medical care, education, agriculture and fishery. With the gradual increase in the number of migrant workers and new residents from the New Southbound countries, the culture of the New Southbound Countries has also attracted more and more attention from Taiwanese people. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a film festival with the theme of New Southbound countries for the first time, hoping to encourage local people to increase their understanding of New Southbound countries ethnics, history and culture.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the new residents enthusiastically supported the "2022 Foreign Ministry New Southbound Policy Film Festival", and especially thanked the institutions of relevant countries in Taiwan for participating in the selection of films and attending the screening. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to make efforts to strengthen official and non-governmental ties with the New Southbound countries through various platforms, promote people-to-people exchanges on both sides, and build deeper and closer cooperation between Taiwan and the New Southbound countries.

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