Tainan City Hall host the physical safety training program on Nov 20th in order to acknowledge foreign workers about safety procedure and hygiene care in their working environment so as to avoid workplace accidents.
According to Ministry of Labour statistics, it is stated that the workplace accidents are the most likely to happen to Vietnamese at 51.86%, Indonesia comes second, while Thailand and Philippine are in the third and fourth place respectively. Base on the different types of accidents, slammed is at 59.73% which occurred the most, while cut and bruise is the second. Therefore, Tainan City Hall arranges the bilingual training for the Vietnamese worker as the priority.
During the visiting tour to the physical safety training center under China Steel Structure Corporation, foreign workers learn how to prevent the accident from happening through experiencing mimicking accidents. Also, they learn about the basic ideas of safety and hygiene standard in a workplace. Moreover, those workers who completed the training will be the safety tutor and share the knowledges to their colleague in order to level up the safety standard of a working environment.
Wang Xin Ji, commissioner of Department of Labour, stated that there are 61,270 foreign workers in total in Tainan City, while there are 44,356 people who work in the industry at 72.4%. As the number of the industry related foreign workers increase over the years, the official begins to value the importance of the physical safety training to lower down the possibility of the workplace accident and hope to create a city for the foreign worker to work safely and live here happily.