
PH government announces 8,346 new COVID-19 infections on May 2

PH government announces 8,346 new COVID-19 infections on May 2

According to INQUIRER.NET, the Philippines’ count of COVID-19 cases is now at 71,472 after the Department of Health (DOH) logged 8,346 new infections on May 2.

The DOH also recorded an additional 9,072 recoveries, bringing the total of those who survived the severe respiratory disease to 966,080.

Meanwhile, 77 more patients succumbed to the disease, raising the death toll to 17,431.

All in all, the Philippines has 1,054,983 confirmed COVID-19 cases so far.

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INQUIRER.NET mentions, DOH said it removed 16 duplicates from the total case count, including 11 recoveries.

Furthermore, 32 cases that were previously tagged as recoveries were reclassified as deaths after final validation.

DOH said all laboratories were operational on April 30 while seven laboratories were not able to submit their data to the COVID-19 document repository system.

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Image courtesy of DOH.

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