
Lin Jin-tian Art Exhibition Opens: Embracing Simplicity and Celebrating Artistic Beauty

"Embracing Simplicity and Celebrating Artistic Beauty" - Lin Jin-tian's Invitational Exhibition Showcasing the Evolution from Figurative to Abstract Art. (Photo / Courtesy of Taitung County Government)
"Embracing Simplicity and Celebrating Artistic Beauty" - Lin Jin-tian's Invitational Exhibition Showcasing the Evolution from Figurative to Abstract Art. (Photo / Courtesy of Taitung County Government)

The Taitung Art and Culture Center is hosting a grand art exhibition featuring the works of former Deputy Minister of Culture, Lin Jin-tian, who has devoted himself entirely to artistic creation since his retirement. The solo exhibition, themed "Embracing Simplicity and Celebrating Artistic Beauty," showcases 50 pieces that range from figurative to abstract, reflecting Lin Jin-tian's profound artistic accomplishments and creative journey. 

During the opening speech, Lin Jin-tian shared his creative process during the pandemic, emphasizing his spirit of courage and change, which enabled him to complete many artworks. Invited by the Taitung County Government, Lin expressed his honor in bringing his artistic work to Taitung and extended special thanks for the warmth and hospitality he received there. He stated that the works on display are not only artistic expressions but also a deep reflection of his connection with nature and the land. 

Born in Caotun, Nantou, Lin Jin-tian is the son of Lin Zhi-mu, known as the "Bridge King of Taiwan." Growing up amidst mountains and rivers, these natural landscapes deeply influenced his artistic sensibilities. Despite entering public service due to family expectations, he never abandoned his passion for art. Lin Jin-tian held various positions, including Director of the Taiwan Historica, Deputy Chairman of the Council for Cultural Affairs, and Deputy Minister of Culture, before retiring unexpectedly to focus on artistic creation.This exhibition, themed "Embracing Simplicity and Celebrating Artistic Beauty," showcases the evolution from figurative to abstract art in the works created after retirement. (Photo / Courtesy of Taitung County Government)

Deputy Director of the Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department, Liu Junyi, remarked that whether in public service or his artistic endeavors, Lin Jin-tian has consistently demonstrated a deep love for the land and selfless dedication. The exhibition is supported by the Taichung City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taipei Cultural Affairs Promotion Office, Tainan City Government Cultural Affairs Bureau, and Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department, showcasing Lin Jin-tian's perfect transition from the public sector to the art world. His rich experience and cultural background have provided endless inspiration for his art, making him a model in both the public and artistic fields. 

The exhibition, titled "Embracing Simplicity and Celebrating Artistic Beauty," reflects the artist's relaxed and free spirit after leaving public office and his relentless pursuit of artistic innovation and eternity. The exhibition offers viewers not only an appreciation of Lin Jin-tian's art but also an understanding of his emotional transformation during the creative process and his deep comprehension of art.

This exhibition is expected to bring an extraordinary artistic experience to Taitung, and all county residents and art enthusiasts are welcome to visit and explore the brilliant world of Lin Jin-tian's works.

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