
Taipei Gov't provides free training for migrant care workers

Taipei Gov't provides free training for migrant care workers


To provide better services for care recipients, Taipei City Government continues to launch the "Families Employing Migrant Care Workers Plan" and arrange professional nurses and bilingual interpreters to guide foreign caretakers to undertake caretaking services at care recipients' homes. Since the plan was launched, more than 1000 families have been helped, and foreign caretakers' caretaking skills have also greatly improved.

Due to language barriers, cultural adaptation, lack of caretaking skills, or overloaded burdens, migrant workers have no choice but to escape. Risks and challenges exist in hiring foreign caretakers. The government not only needs to be concerned about families and the needs of migrant workers but has to help them improve caretaking skills to effectively decrease potential disputes, said Director of Taipei City Foreign and Disabled Labor Office, Ye Xuanshan(葉琇姍).

Moreover, as the Covid-19 pandemic continues to spread, to raise the equality of caretaking, the city government has particularly launched the guidance on home caretaking and set up a LINE group to convey the latest information. For registration and detailed information, please call at
(02)2338-1600 #4211, Ms. Chou, or search for "手牽手at Taipei" on Facebook.


Taipei City Government continues to arrange professional nurses and bilingual interpreters to guide foreign caretakers to undertake caretaking services at care recipients' homes. Source: 手牽手at Taipei

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