
Persistent high summer temperatures hover around 35-36 degrees, yet the number of cold cases is increasing. (Photo: Taken from Wanfang Hospital)

Persistent high summer temperatures hover around 35-36 degrees, yet the number of cold cases is increasing. (Photo: Taken from Wanfang Hospital)
Persistent high summer temperatures hover around 35-36 degrees, yet the number of cold cases is increasing. (Photo: Taken from Wanfang Hospital)

Despite the persistent high summer temperatures hovering around 35-36 degrees, the number of cold cases is increasing. Pediatrician Dr. Chen Jinglun pointed out that while the weather is hot enough to cause heatstroke, the number of cold patients is similar to winter levels. ENT specialist Dr. Zhang Hong also noted that night clinic hours often extend past 10 PM, highlighting the severity of the simultaneous outbreak of COVID-19 and influenza.

Pediatricians shared on Facebook that they encountered patients preparing to travel to the Southern Hemisphere, making them envious. However, they also lamented that despite the scorching heat, there are numerous cold patients, much like in winter. Patients experiencing fever and body aches should seek medical attention promptly or use government-provided Tamiflu medication. (Photo: Taken from freepik) 

On June 28, an ENT specialist shared his night clinic experiences, noting that recent consultations often extend past 10 PM, with many patients seeking treatment for fever or confirmed COVID-19 cases through rapid tests. He also observed an upward trend in influenza cases.

The ENT specialist urged patients with fever and body aches to seek medical attention promptly or use government-provided Tamiflu medication. He reminded everyone that "this wave of the pandemic is fierce," and it's crucial to take necessary protective measures.With the simultaneous outbreak of COVID-19 and influenza in the height of summer, everyone must take necessary protective measures.

According to the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of June 24, the current flu season (2023-2024) has accumulated 1,144 severe influenza cases, resulting in 214 deaths. The CDC warned that not only is the COVID-19 pandemic rampant, but influenza has also entered its epidemic period. Anyone experiencing symptoms like fever should seek medical attention immediately.

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