
The Labour Bureau launches the "Care service to New Southbound students" at Kunshan University of Science and Technology

The Labour Bureau launches the "Care service to New Southbound students" at Kunshan University of Science and Technology

Recently, Kun Shan University has held a "Visiting New Southbound International Students and propagandizing regulations" event.

According to the Yahoo News’ report, the Tainan Municipal Labor Bureau has currently launched the "New Southbound Care Service” by holding a "Visiting New Southbound International Students and propagandizing regulations" event with the participation of more than 100 foreign students.

In addition to the promotion of the Employment Service Law, the event also conducted a Q&A session and provided essential information and basic legal knowledge (eg. residence law). The students were also encouraged to record their lives in Taiwan and share the experiences after getting back to their home countries.

Kunshan University of Science and Technology has a large number of foreign students. In this event, the Labor Bureau served as a bridge and introduced relevant laws and regulations, visits and care, so that students can be more comprehensively protected from the law.

After the visit, the Labor Bureau also went to Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, Far East University and visited the interns at President Chain Store Corporation.

The Labour Bureau launches the

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