
BBC science show Click presents Taiwan invention the AirBox

BBC science show Click presents Taiwan invention the AirBox

In its latest edition, the BBC’s weekly science show Click presents technology made in Taiwan, including the AirBox designed to fight pollution.

At the origin of the invention was concern about the public’s knowledge of air pollution, the Liberty Times reported Thursday (November 7).

While the program for an easy PM2.5 sensor was launched in 2015, cooperation between the Academia Sinica and businesses such as Edimax led to the installation of thousands of boxes across the country.

Each day, the measurements are relayed to the public through the EdiGreen app, informing residents about the state of the air quality around them.

Schools especially benefit from the system, as they can become immediately aware of pollution and can act to cancel outdoor activities, according to the Liberty Times.

The BBC show also visited temples in Taipei, where they heard an explanation of how incense burning contributed to the country’s air pollution problem, especially during the Lunar New Year period. The capital’s two main places of worship, the Longshan Temple and the Xingtiangong Temple, had abolished the practice and installed AirBoxes, the report said.

The BBC science show Click presents inventions from Taiwan (screenshot of BBC Click).

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