
The 9th Dream-Building Project for New Residents and Their Children Results Presentation with 30 groups of dream builders

The 9th Dream-Building Project for New Residents and Their Children Results Presentation with 30 groups of dream builders.  Photo provided by NIA
The 9th Dream-Building Project for New Residents and Their Children Results Presentation with 30 groups of dream builders. Photo provided by NIA
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/ Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

The National Immigration Agency hosted its ninth Dream-Building Project for New Residents and Their Children event (第9屆新住民及其子女築夢計畫成果發表暨圓夢祝賀茶會). The Dream-Building Project incentive was given to a total of 30 groups this year, along with 88 new immigrants and their children. Since the "Dream-Building Project" was introduced by NIA in 2015, more than 400 new immigrants have benefited from it to achieve their aspirations.

Read more: Nepalese new immigrant's dream project to promote Nepalese handmade cloth bags with family

The works that won awards exhibit the spirit of cross-field innovation. The new immigrant (潘喜玲) from Cambodia used hand-woven bags made in Cambodia and  promote them in Taiwan.Photo provided by 潘喜玲

New immigrants and second-generation immigrants from Japan, Malaysia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and mainland China are among this year's winners. The Dream-Building Project incentive was specifically delivered by the Director-General of the National Immigration Agency Bill Chung (鐘景琨) and the Deputy Minister (吳容輝) of the Interior.

The second-generation siblings introduced the award-winning project to the Deputy Minister (吳容輝) of the Interior.Photo provided by 張艷君

The works that won awards exhibit the spirit of cross-field innovation. The new immigrant (潘喜玲) from Cambodia used hand-woven bags made in Cambodia and  promote them in Taiwan. Second-generation immigrants were also inspired by their mother's passion for public welfare and cooked chicken soup for five years in a row to care for the elderly.

Director-General of the National Immigration Agency Bill Chung (鐘景琨) and the Deputy Minister (吳容輝) of the Interior encourage the winners.Photo provided by NIA

According to Bill Chung (鐘景琨), the Director-General of the National Immigration Agency, these dream builders employed realistic acts to document every facet of social integration and show the diversity of Taiwan's society.

Read more: The 2023 Survey of New Immigrants' Living Needs kicks off, requesting new immigrants to participate in the interview

The 9th Dream-Building Project for New Residents and Their Children Results Presentation with 30 groups of dream builders.Photo provided by NIA

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