
1029 video news report - English

Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Edited by Angela Rodriguez

Taiwan's population consists of over 700,000 migrant workers, a number so large it emphasizes their role in Taiwanese society. Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network shares the following series of informative videos about the lives of migrant workers in Taiwan. Watch the broadcast here:1029 NIA video news report-English 

Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.

Taiwan Immigrants Global News Network presents weekly news to new immigrant audiences.

Read more: Kaohsiung City Veterans Service Department invites new residents to join "Happy Family Recognition" grand event

News Focus (November 1 – November 7) 

  • The NIA assist new immigrants in retrieving the quintuple stimulus vouchers

The National Immigration Agency (NIA) launched multilingual advocacies on the quintuple stimulus vouchers for new immigrants. The NIA reminds new immigrant to apply for the National Health Insurance (NHI) first before applying for the stimulus vouchers. (Read more: New residents "without National Health Insurance card" can receive Quintuple stimulus vouchers? National Immigration Agency (Hsinchu City Service Station) answers)

  • The MOL provides multilingual information regarding the BNT vaccines to new immigrants

The Ministry of Labor (MOL) launched informative videos regarding the BNT vaccines to give better and clearer information to new immigrant parents and their children. (Read more: The Ministry of Labor provides multilingual information on BNT vaccines to help new immigrants understand the vaccination process)

Read more: The second generation of Thai new resident aspired to be a translator, wishing to help Thai friends living in Taiwan

  • Migrant workers will not be penalized for filming documentaries since it is considered a cultural exchange

Migrant workers participating in cultural exchanges such as filming videos, volunteer events may be confused with “working illegally”. The MOL stated that foreigners participating in events not requiring work permits will not be penalized. If it is not a job, there will be no offenses. (Read more: "Filming documentaries and dramas" for migrant workers are cultural exchanges. Ministry of Labor: No penalty is given.)

  • 2021 National Palace Museum Asian Art Festival promotes Indonesian culture.

The National Palace Museum (NPM) will be hosting its annual Asian Art Festival Month at the NPM Southern Branch. The theme for this year is “Indonesia”. Come and visit with your friends to experience Indonesian culture. (Read more: 2021 NPM Asian Art Festival Indonesian Month Promotes Nanyang Culture, October 2.)

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