
Research shows:Eating these foods lowers dementia risk, even with type 2 diabetes and heart disease

Anti-inflammatory diets boost nutrients that stave off dementia and chronic disease, studies say.  carlosgaw/E+/Getty Images/File
Anti-inflammatory diets boost nutrients that stave off dementia and chronic disease, studies say. carlosgaw/E+/Getty Images/File

A new study has found that consuming an anti-inflammatory diet rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, rather than a pro-inflammatory diet focused on red meat, processed meats, and ultra-processed foods, can reduce the risk of dementia by 31%. This benefit applies even to those already diagnosed with cardiometabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke, according to Abigail Dove, the study's lead author, as published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.                                           Photo: dolgachov

The study, although observational and unable to establish causality, aligns with existing research linking dietary inflammation to brain health, said Dr. David Katz, a preventive and lifestyle medicine expert. High-quality, anti-inflammatory diets may directly impact pathways related to brain and neurocognitive health over time, potentially providing some protection against the decline in function and structure in the brain, even in individuals battling chronic cardiometabolic diseases.

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