
Italian stained glass artist, Andrea Rusin, works to encourage Taiwanese and Italian cultural relations

Italian stained glass artist, Andrea Rusin, works to encourage Taiwanese and Italian cultural relations.  Photo reproduced from 天聲廣播電台 Facebook
Italian stained glass artist, Andrea Rusin, works to encourage Taiwanese and Italian cultural relations. Photo reproduced from 天聲廣播電台 Facebook
Taiwan Immigrants' Global News Network】Editor/Tim Wu (吳宗翰)

Italian artist Andrea Rusin once exhibited oil paintings in Taiwan and said that the country's climate inspired his creativity. In order to support Italian stained glass art and interact with the local younger artists, he made the decision to relocate to Zhubei, Hsinchu County.

Andrea Rusin was a successful artist in New York before moving to Taiwan. His cross-border and large-scale installation art gained his recognition on a global scale. After completing a film project at the Venice International Film Festival in 2015, Andrea Rusin got in touch with Taiwan, he discovered that, in addition to their welcoming nature and willingness to support cultural preservation, Taiwanese people have a strong interest in art and multiculturalism. Thus, drawing inspiration from the spirit of historical and customary cultural interactions, Andrea Rusin created a bridge via art.

Italian stained glass artist, Andrea Rusin, works to encourage Taiwanese and Italian cultural relations.Photo reproduced from 天聲廣播電台 Facebook

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The church also invited Andrea Rusin, a Catholic, to construct stained glass windows with lovely Bible tales on them. Stained glass art is not very common in Taiwan, according to Andrea Rusin, although it is quite well-known in Italy. In the future, he aims to share this work with other Taiwanese artists.

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