
Say Goodbye to Chest Tightness! 4 Amazing Acupoints to Help You Breathe Freely and Easily

When you feel breathless, unable to get enough air, or even dizzy, it might be a sign of "chest tightness"! (Image / Authorized by Heho)
When you feel breathless, unable to get enough air, or even dizzy, it might be a sign of "chest tightness"! (Image / Authorized by Heho)

In daily life, have you ever felt chest tightness, as if you couldn’t take a deep breath or even experienced dizziness? These symptoms may be caused by poor lung circulation or external stress. To alleviate these discomforts, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers several simple yet effective acupoint massage methods that can quickly relieve chest tightness and help you breathe smoothly.

Shanzhong Acupoint: The Source of "Qi" in the Chest
Shanzhong is located along the midline of the chest, at the midpoint between the nipples. This acupoint is known as the "Sea of Ancestral Qi," and any issues related to "qi," including asthma, palpitations, or chest tightness, can be improved by pressing the Shanzhong point. This acupoint also helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, relieve stress, and promote breast health, especially aiding women who experience reduced lactation after childbirth.

Tianxi Acupoint: The Natural Pathway to Clear the Chest
Tianxi is located on the outer side of the chest, 2 cun from the nipple. This acupoint specifically targets qi regulation and cough relief, helping to clear the pathways in the chest. It’s particularly useful for alleviating cough or chest tightness caused by qi stagnation. For women experiencing chest pain or breast issues, Tianxi can help relieve discomfort and improve breast health.

Yuanye Acupoint: The Release Point for Emotional Stress
Yuanye is located 3 cun below the armpit and is an important point on the Gallbladder Meridian, closely related to emotions. If chest tightness is triggered by emotional stress, pressing the Yuanye point can effectively relieve discomfort and expand the chest. Additionally, this acupoint helps reduce swelling and dissipate nodules, making it ideal for modern individuals dealing with emotional stress.

Neiguan Acupoint: The Heart’s Protector
Neiguan is located 2 cun above the wrist crease and is a powerful acupoint for protecting the heart. Pressing Neiguan calms the mind strengthens heart contractions, and promotes blood circulation. For individuals with coronary heart disease or heart discomfort, massaging Neiguan regularly can improve heart health and reduce chest tightness.

Acupoint Massage TipsIn Traditional Chinese Medicine, 1 cun (寸) on the upper body (including the head and hands) is approximately the width of the thumb. (Image / Authorized by Heho)

When massaging chest acupoints, the pressure should not be too strong. Gently press until you feel a slight soreness. Massage each acupoint for 5 to 10 seconds, and you can repeat this process multiple times a day. With regular practice, you can effectively alleviate chest tightness.

Through simple acupoint massage, you can easily relieve chest tightness and breathing difficulties in your daily life, enjoying the freedom of smooth, easy breaths!

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