
Ninot Aziz, a Malaysian author and poet, whose works will be sent to the moon.

Ninot Aziz, a Malaysian author and poet, whose works will be sent to the moon. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)
Ninot Aziz, a Malaysian author and poet, whose works will be sent to the moon. (Photo / Retrieved from Pixabay)

According to Malaysia News: National, Regional and World News, Three poems of Malaysian author-poet Ninot Aziz will be part of a global poetry anthology project that will be launched to the moon in 2024. The Polaris Trilogy, a three-volume anthology that will be published by the literary non-profit organization, Brick Street Poetry Inc. in the US, will include poetry by Ninot. They will be launched in a time capsule on the Space X mission that is planned to leave the Earth to Moon in 2024.

The Tipton Poetry Journal and other publications that link poets all over the world are published by Brick Street.

"Earlier this year I submitted a poem specially written with the theme of sustainability, the lunar and the constellation to be considered for being sent to the moon under the Lunar Codex projects," Ninot said.

She frequently speaks on the value of maintaining and promoting Malay Archipelago legends and folk storytelling as a culture advocate at schools, and literary and arts festivals. A distinguishing element of Ninot's books are the expertly constructed stories and drawings that aid readers in picturing a bygone era that is on the verge of extinction.

Ninot is also expected to have a busy year in 2023, especially in light of her collaborations with authors and publishers from other countries.

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